approximately 60 × 15 × 15 cm; 82 × 86 × 3 cm; 25 x 80 cm / 23.62 × 5.91 × 5.91 in; 32.28 × 33.86 × 1.18 in ; 9.84 × 31.46 in (in diameter)

Photo: Alessandra Sofia, Fanis Vlastaras & Rebecca Konstantopoulou

Unique exemplar

2014-2015: Da iḍā e piṅgalā a iḍā e iḍā o piṅgalā e piṅgalā, Le Consortium – centre d’art, Dijon [Traveled to Aspen Art Museum, Aspen]

2017: Perla Pollina 1996-2016, Centre d'art Contemporain Genève, Geneva
[Traveled to MADRE, Naples]